HSA/FSA Eligibility at Bombshell CrossFit

Maximize Your Wellness Savings at Bombshell CrossFit with HSA/FSA!

How to save on your membership at Bombshell CrossFit with HSA/FSA funds

Saving out with Truemed is easy, follow these steps!

1. Take a 2 minute evaluation survey from Truemed that will be reviewed by a licensed practitioner for $30.
2. If eligible, Truemed’s licensed practitioners will issue you a Letter of Medical Necessity (similar to a doctor writing a prescription). The letter can cover 12 months of reimbursements!
3. Truemed will send you instructions to obtain reimbursement from your HSA/FSA administrators.

Shop at Bombshell CrossFit with HSA/FSA Funds

At Bombshell CrossFit, we believe CrossFit can be medicine, and our new partners at Truemed agree. Through our collaboration with Truemed, eligible customers can now use Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds on Bombshell CrossFit products! This means you may be eligible to buy your gym membership with pre-tax dollars, resulting in average net savings of 30%.

HSAs and FSAs were created for you to spend tax-advantaged dollars on products and services that can treat or prevent medical conditions and Truemed is making it easy to do just that.

FAQs - Questions Your Customers Might Ask

HSA/FSA accounts were created so individuals could use pre-tax money to pay for expenses used to treat, mitigate, or prevent a diagnosed medical condition. Because HSA/FSAs use pre-tax money, you’re getting more purchasing power for your dollars. Rather than pay taxes on income and then spend it on health items, qualified customers can use pre-tax funds to invest in their health.

An individual can contribute up to $4,150 pretax to their HSA per year, or $8,300 for a family (plus an additional $1,000 if you are at least 55 years old. Individuals can contribute up to $3,200 pretax to their FSA per year (with an additional $500 in employer contributions allowed).

Health savings accounts (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSA) are programs that allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible healthcare expenses. If you’re unsure whether or not you have an HSA or FSA account, please check with your employer or insurance company.

We do not recommend attempting to checkout with your HSA/FSA cards for compliance purposes. We strongly encourage simply transacting with your normal credit or debit card, and submitting for reimbursement as outlined above for the greatest likelihood of success.

While this depends on your specific HSA or FSA administrator’s policies, we advise that you only submit expenses incurred on or after the date listed on your Letter of Medical Necessity.

For most FSA/HSA administrators, your expenses will be approved within days when you submit your claim for reimbursement along with your receipt and a Letter of Medical Necessity. The exact timing will vary based on your administrator.

If you have already received a Letter of Medical Necessity for purchasing specific products from a merchant, you do not need to complete Truemed’s survey again so long as your Letter of Medical Necessity remains valid. Letters of Medical Necessity are typically valid for 12 months after they are first issued. You do still need to submit your receipts for reimbursement with your HSA/FSA administrator.

The items in your Truemed Letter of Medical Necessity (“LMN”) are now qualified medical expenses in the same way a visit to the doctor’s office or pharmaceutical product is.

There are thousands of studies showing food and exercise is often the best medicine to prevent and reverse disease. Exercise qualifies as a qualified medical expense with an LMN. Food, supplements, and other wellness purchases qualify as medical expenses if they treat or prevent an illness, and a doctor substantiates the need. Your Truemed LMN satisfies all IRS requirements to make your wellness spend fully reimbursable.

There is a small fee for using Truemed at the end of the qualification survey.

You can use your HSA/FSA dollars all year long. However, FSA dollars expire at the end of the year and unused money may not rollover into the next year. Make sure to spend the rest of your FSA dollars before December 31st — use it, so you don’t lose it!

Yes. You can still submit for partial reimbursement. For example: if you purchase an eligible item for $100 but only have $60 in your account, you can reimburse $60 of your purchase with your tax-free funds (with the remaining $40 paid for as normal).

Please contact us at support@truemed.com so we can help you troubleshoot the issue. HSA/FSA plan administrators often have detailed requirements, so it may be as simple as re-issuing your Letter of Medical Necessity using the administrator’s form. If we are unable to reverse the rejection, we will refund your Truemed fee.


Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!


I understand that all membership hold request forms must be completed on the Bombshell CrossFit website in order to be processed. I understand that hold requests must be submitted no less than 5 business days before my upcoming scheduled invoice and I cannot place a hold on my membership for more than 90 days in a calendar year. I understand that membership hold requests are limited to 90 days per calendar year in two-week increments. Upon expiration of the hold period that you provide, your account will automatically reactivate, and regular membership payments will resume. Your original agreement will be extended by the amount of time of the membership hold. If you chose to cancel your membership during the hold period, the standard 30-day written cancellation notice requirement stated in your membership agreement is applicable. If you choose to reactivate your membership after it is cancelled, membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable (membership rates are subject to change). I understand that there is a $8 per week charge plus fees for membership holds.


All membership cancellation requests must be routed through the Membership Cancellation Request form on our website in order to be processed (30) days prior to your credit/debit card/bank account processing date of your membership. This will help ensure cancellation of automatic payments. If you are still within a discounted service membership; 26 or 52 weeks, when cancelling, you understand that termination of your membership before the end of your contract will require a termination fee of the difference between the membership you are on and the membership you should have been on as outlined in the membership agreement. Cancellation requests submitted within the 30 day billing cycle will result in a final payment drawn from your account on your established auto draft date. Once final payment has been drawn from your account, clients will have 30 days from the last bill date to use the facilities. It is your responsibility to provide notice 30 days in advance of your next billing date. There will be no refund issued once a payment has been charged to your credit card.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


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$20 Per Class


3511 N. Loop 336 E. Suite 100,
Conroe, TX 77301

(936) 282-5389


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